Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy N Year

Happy New Year! And a belated Merry Christmas's been a long time! It's crazy to think another holiday season and another year has passed by. I managed to catch a nasty bug right before Christmas, so I spent a good portion of the holiday season in bed, so finding time to reflect on 2012 was quite easy.

This past year was a whirlwind of change and new adventures, all of which helped me grow into a stronger person. New house, new job, new car, friends moving away, meeting extraordinary people, a beautiful new baby nephew (born December 28, 8lbs 4oz....yep I'm so proud and excited!) and of course a new fitness goal for 2013. After almost two weeks off running due to travel, sickness and my lame-o excuses, it was great to be back at it today. Right off the gate I felt strong and getting through the 7kms was a breeze. A few minutes in, it was easy to remember why I run and what it means to me and made a mental note not to let it take a back burner.

Having no big party plans tonight will help me getup and kick off 2013 the way I want to. And while millions of resolutions will be made around the globe tonight and only a few will be fulfilled, I'm determined to stick to mine. Listen to your heart and follow it. Do things today that in a year from now you will look back and smile...not just wishing you had done them.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Dashing through the...

It's hard to believe that next week at this time it will be Christmas Eve. This weekend was my last go at shopping and out of desperation to escape the throngs of wild people, I may have overspent just to get the heck out of the mall.

This past Saturday, I set out for another run. I was looking forward to seeing how this one would go in comparison to earlier last week. It was easy to find my pace and everything went much better than my previous attempt. My feet were adjusting to their new positions and didn't protest like the last time. (Not as much anyways) I covered 6.5 kms in about 40 minutes and had a really solid weight session afterwards. This gave me a lot more confidence for today and I covered 7.1 kms in 40 minutes, a definite improvement. Actually, the whole run felt so great and I added a few intervals and finished with another good weight session. My body is feeling stronger again and I'm feeling that my ailments are now gone and corrected. Of course only time will tell, but I'm not going to push my limits this time round.

It will be an exciting week - work travel, visits with loved ones, potentially my new nephews arrival. And through it all, it feels good to know that I can outrun any of the craziness the holiday can bring.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Days like these...

I was really looking forward to my run today. Had a great day at work, ate really well and got setup with my new orthotics yesterday. All ingredients to a good run, right? Apparently not. For whatever reason, today just wasn't my day to run.

This past weekend I managed to run and remain pain free. Awesome. I felt great and for the first time in over a month I was feeling confident in my recovery. However, as soon as I started today it grew increasingly difficult to stay positive. It was expected that there would be an adjustment period to my orthotics but I couldn't help but feel like I had little prisons on my feet. If this is correct position then I can't help but wonder how I survived all these years! In addition, I couldn't get my breathing on cue and I couldn't help by watch the clock...the whole 6 kms, all 40 minutes...Not really an ideal or pleasant way to run.

Next week I'm looking forward to ramping up my workouts and getting back into some more weights. It was noted this week that I have a definite love and interest in weights and want to be a bodybuilder. I wouldn't go as far as saying I want to be a bodybuilder but there is such a great satisfaction in feeling and seeing the results that comes with doing weights. Additionally, it will help compliment the running...which I feel I clearly need right now.

There will be days when things just don't line up, when I will ask myself what the heck I am doing. But on these days I will look back to all the great days and wonderful thoughts to keep me going.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

She's back!

I have managed to let another week get by without doing any updating. This past week has been quite eventful with work travel, a visit with my Chrissy and then to end my week - two Christmas parties. As much as I love the excitement of everything, I enjoyed being lazy for most of today.

My run last Sunday left me a little sore so I didn't get back out running until Wednesday morning. Work had me on my way to Baltimore on Wednesday afternoon and I flew from the airport near Chrissy and Wade's house, which gave me the perfect opportunity to visit. I stayed over on Tuesday and packed my gear for an outdoor run. My past few outdoor runs had me realize I am an over dresser. After ten minutes I find myself wishing I could lose the layers and find the balance of my run too warm. However, when faced with gusts of icy cold wind accompanied by ice pellets like on Wednesday, I'm thankful and persevere through it. My distance was just over 5.5 km and I felt that was the perfect distance for my state of recovery. There was a bit of pain on Wednesday but I woke up on Thursday feeling back to normal.

After a long travel day on Thursday, I took some extra time on Friday to sleep in and play domestic goddess before heading out for my company Christmas party. It was a great time but Saturday proved be a tired day and I had to get a nap in to recharge for Saturday's party. Sounds tough, I know. This morning I woke with the intention to have a run outside but freezing rain had me stick the gym treadmill. I had a solid 6 km run and finished feeling good and more notably, pain free! My time is still slow but is a small price to pay to get back on track. My gym has been renovating and updating the equipment and I enjoyed a weight session to finish off which will likely take a few days to recover from!

After the cheesecake, beer, cotton candy, airport food, creme brûlée and other tasty unmentionables this past week, today was exactly what I needed to get focused. But every now and then, you just have to dance in the refrigerator light...

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Keeping spirits bright

I am very pleased to be writing this by a crackling fire, all bundled up with a tea in hand. I am also very pleased to share the news that anyone who subscribes to bell expressvu can also tune into the same beautiful fire, accompanied by a wonderful assortment of Christmas tunes from one hit wonder bands!

Yesterday was the perfect day to stay inside and keep cozy - there was snow on the ground, the fog was thick and the damp air made it so gloomy. However, after my favourite weekend routine, I laced up and made my way outdoors. This was the first time in a long time I've had to worry about running with snow on the ground, but I was so pleased with my new kicks and am confident that I can keep myself vertical.

Cutting back so drastically on running has done two things: given me more energy for when I do run, but also a toll on my mentality that has me thinking maybe running isn't for me. Of course I only think this on the days I'm not out there and need to continue to remind myself this is just a blip, this too shall pass. My distance yesterday was only 5.5kms, but the feeling of being out there, doing what I love, instilled the confidence that I can do this. It would be great to report my knee and back are 100%, but I did struggle with some aches afterwards and It was in my best interest to take it easy today.

I know there are articles and resources available, and the majority would tell me that I do not have the physical build to be a runner. But I don't care. Because I am a runner. And I will continue to be one. So now, I will head downstairs to be by the real wood burning fireplace, and the twinkling lights of my Christmas tree to help keep my spirits bright.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Let it snow...

Today I watched the weather network in anticipation of a great snowfall. Despite the various warnings of winter wonderland, nothing fell from the skies. Call me crazy, but I really looked forward to heading outdoors for a run, even in the below freezing temperatures in the beauty of fresh snow.

I was feeling quite tired all day but as soon as my feet started moving and the cold air inhibited my lungs, I got my second wind. It was another slow, easy pace and just a short distance of 5 km. There were no aches or pains and I stuck to my gut and didn't push myself on speed or distance. Yes, it's irritating and painful to start at the beginning of the training program again, but not nearly as what I went through physically and emotionally. Everything happens for a reason and this will help keep me grounded.

The countdown is on. 30 days from now it will be Christmas. 30 days from now I'll be covering more ground again and hopefully be well adjusted to the joys of running outside. Trust me, I will need to run to burn off all the calories from my baking. 30 days from now I'll be an aunt and will get to celebrate Christmas with my nephew. So many incredible moments coming up, so many reasons to keep smiling and be thankful.

Christmas waves a wand over the world and behold, everything is softer, magical and much more beautiful. If only I could borrow the wand for the balance of the year...

Making spirits bright...

Sunday, November 25, 2012

On the way

This past week has been a really quiet one in terms of my training. After my chiropractor appointments and adjustments I decided it was best to ease off running for a few days and focus more on having a thorough recovery.

I've never suffered from aches or pains or back pains so this whole episode of 24/7 back pain has been quite trying. Forget wearing any heels, putting on normal pants was a challenge. It was surprising also how my spirits plummeted. Even though this is a temporary setback, I am the ridiculously stubborn type who always wants to do exceed and am not a fan of veering off my plans and goals. However, there is an abundance of advice and reference materials regarding running injuries so I focused more on absorbing this and working on a plan to get better.

This weekend was one of celebrations. On Friday Monique and I had some much needed girl time. We braved the mall and scored some gorgeous dresses and caught up on all the latest and greatest. My beautiful cousin celebrated her 40th birthday and a number of close friends and family went out to an incredible venue for a girls night out yesterday. Today was a baby shower for my beautiful sister in law and it was so wonderful to help welcome the newest addition to the family. Also, I managed of get in a run with no pains, aches or problems. And can I mention that It was an outdoor run? Yes, I veered away from the glistening treadmill track and opted to run outside. It may have been minus 0 but the snow falling through the sun light in the perfectly manicured gardens was worth every bone chilling breeze. The cold air biting my lungs made me feel alive, made me feel grateful for being able to take in all the feelings I was experiencing. Although it was a small run, only 30 minutes or so, and only just over 4.3 kms, it felt like a small victory.

Looking back is helping me look forward. It is easy now to see where I have made errors and I have learned what I need to do to succeed. Starting at the beginning again may be just what I need to get back to where I want to be

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Down for the count

Well, I am sad to report that I really did a number on myself. I managed to not only hurt my knee from Sunday's run, but also throw out my back. Enough so that I spent the day at home yesterday frantically trying to get an earlier appointment with my chiropractor.

It turns out my hips were still misaligned and the stress on my knee and not a full recovery did me in. I may have pushed myself too hard also and may have escaped this setback had I slowed down and focused more on an easy and light run. What's done is done and all I can do now is learn from it and focus on preventing it. Also, I found out my flat feet are also contributing to my injury so I was fitted for orthotics to help correct my gait issues.

The next couple of days I'm going to work on just getting better and to a point where I am not in constant pain. When that happens, I'm going to try again. But this time with some new and improved knowledge and respect for my body and running.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Hold on

Well, I managed to let another week get by without blogging. This past week has been non-stop and only now on Sunday evening am I finally getting a chance to wind down.

This past Monday, I met with a sports therapist/chiropractor/acupuncturist. I was really thankful for my appointment as I woke up several times throughout the night in a lot of pain. My knee was swollen and bothering me and I couldn’t wait to finally see someone who could help me out. Sure I got a lot of mileage in the previous day but I have built up to this…right? Turns out it is iliotibial band friction syndrome, and is thankfully treatable and that a large percentage of women runner’s struggle with it too. I spent a solid hour reviewing everything and had an adjustment done as my alignment was off and therefore causing even more strain to my knee. While I did feel immediate relief, I couldn’t help but think that this may be a longer process to complete recovery than initially anticipated.

I had the pleasure of visiting Chicago for work this week and I must say, even from the little bits I saw, I love that city. The architecture, activities and liveliness, cleanliness and proximity to the water really appealed to me. In terms of business, it was a great visit and hopefully next time I can extend my stay and get to see and do a lot more. The highlight would have definitely been the trip to the aquarium…yes, maybe a bit juvenile but anyone who knows me knows my affection to all things water. I had also packed my gear to get a run in…and while I really had the intention of running, deep dish pizza and beer won.

Yesterday was a day of catch up around the house and finally time to get a run in! It was so incredibly beautiful outside, and while I really should have ventured outside, I must admit that I wasn’t too confident to do so. With my knee being that way it has been, I was worried that I would get out there and it would crash on me. It was also time to get a new pair of kicks as the mileage on my shoes was really up there. I stopped by the Running Room and talked shoes for a good length of time before finally picking out a pair (also recommended by the sports therapist). I was so jacked to get going and man did it feel great. I felt so energized and was thinking that a good 5 days off may have been exactly what I needed. Stubborn me picked up the pace after 3k, and at 4.96k my knee gave out. Complete and total crash and burn. It hurt in a way that it hasn’t before. And not only my knee, but also my back. I hit the stop button and tried to get a stretch to help alleviate any of the pain but it wasn’t happening. I was partially relieved I wasn’t stuck somewhere on the side of the road, but at the same time I wish I was so I could sulk without anyone noticing.

It was not very comfortable sleeping last night and this morning it was evident I wasn’t going to be lacing up for another run. It is very hard to not feel discouraged and want to give up. I’m actually surprised that I even thought to myself “I am not meant to do this –my body isn’t a runner’s body”. Sure it would be easy to give up, to just stop and not put myself through this but unfortunately, it’s not in my blood. Tomorrow I go back to the specialist and we will work on a plan for treatment and prevention. With this in place, I hope to feel better and gain more confidence in myself that this is attainable and start feeling all the crazy zest and highs I did earlier.

Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

Chicago :)


Wonderful discovery...

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Day in, day out

Okay...I admit this post is a little overdue. While I wish I could report a vacation to somewhere super special, I just managed to get caught up in life. Tonight has been the first opportunity to sit down with not much to do and I quite like it. Plus, I bought myself a wonderful and beautiful iPad and I'm finding it difficult to pry out of my little hands. Yes, congrats to me to who has finally made the step into modern day technology!

This past week I've had some work travel, but took along my gear to make sure I could get in a run. My knee bothered me after my Sunday run but was fine by Wednesday. However, I wasn't going to push my luck and I opted on an easy 30 min go, covering 6.27 Kms without any problems and no pain for the balance of the week.

Did I mention how much I looked forward to Friday? Chrissy and Wade finally got the keys to their new house and it was time to celebrate. Now, it has been some time since I've enjoyed a few bevys and this week I was introduced to a very tasty red vino. I couldn't wait to share this discovery with my Chrissy and sure enough, we thoroughly enjoyed it in super classy red solo cups in her gorgeous new house. Needless to say, moving on Saturday was a little slower than usual. Shortly after arriving home yesterday, I tried out my home treadmill for the first time and did a quick 5km to stretch my legs after the drive...and to keep myself busy while the iPad was charging.

Today was such a beautiful day. It felt like early spring rather than a few weeks before Christmas. It was productive as a number of home projects were tackled and I had a personal best record on my run. It felt really great to get a lot of distance covered after such short runs this week. My times were slower to make sure I could sustain enough energy for the whole run but it didn't bother me in the slightest. My target today was a 90 minute run and I pushed through and went another 4 minutes so I could hit the 18 km mark. Surprisingly, I was ready to keep going and thought about that half marathon mark. As great as it would have been to achieve that accomplishment, I remembered some wise advise and didn't risk pushing myself to the point of an injury.

It is going to be another busy week. Tomorrow is my day of rest and after work I have an appointment to see a sports therapist about my knee issues. I initially signed up for an acupuncture, shockwave therapy and chiropractic treatment combo but thinking about being poked with needles, shocked and cracked is making me second guess having everything done at once. It will be good to learn about prevention and treatment of any running related injuries. One thing for sure is I'll have to pick up a new pair of shoes due to the mileage on my kicks and hopefully I can test them out in beautiful Chicago when I head there for work in a few days.

Being so close to a pivotal point is reassuring that I can do this. I'm not crazy. And when I want to push myself, I'll have to remember that Rome wasn't built in a day.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Give back

Today I feel really inspired to write. I was really lucky to be a part of a team today and give back to the community by volunteering. While it was just a couple of hours, I’m not going to lie – I was so touched by learning so much about small gestures that benefit so many people in need.

So, I can think of dozens of times I’ve made a donation to a food bank. I’m sure we all can. Sadly, I can think only of two times that I have taken the time to learn what happens to all those cans and boxes and about the people who receive them. The amount of work and effort required to help feed those in need is so great and the planning is so well orchestrated and has brought a new appreciation to me on many levels. While our team today was hard at work at “de-retailing” crackers (we took the brand name boxes off the sleeves of crackers), we also received the opportunity to see how the food bank operates. We learned some stats that came as a surprise…one in twenty people use assistance from the food bank in our region. Sure, we all know that every community has a food bank, but to think that so many people need assistance never crossed my mind. It felt good to know that even just a few hours of time would help bring food to so many people. Maybe even people I know.

Today I didn’t get to run. After my Sunday run, my knee started acting up again and I spent a good part of yesterday hobbling around. It was painful enough for me to book an appointment to see what the heck is going on and how I can prevent this from happening. So, to keep going with my cardio I set off to another hour long spin class. It felt great again to work on a different group of muscles and overall I am satisfied with today’s workout of over 22 miles.  I’ll try out a small run tomorrow and see how I’m feeling…fingers crossed.

Tomorrow I’m heading away for work and am looking forward to the new opportunities. Things are looking so positive for 2013 and today I was so proud of everyone I work with. I think today I also gave new appreciation and thanks to all the food I ate.

Hopefully the little things we did today will help fuel someone to do great and wonderful things in their life too.
Hard at work

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Be confident

It is the end of another weekend. However, we were gifted with a whole extra hour today. What a perfect opportunity to jam in as much stuff as possible before it gets put on the backburner to next weekend. I took full advantage of this extra hour and slept in. While I should feel guilty about not finishing a million projects, my body definitely thanked me.

On Friday I was scheduled for some cross training. Being adventurous, I thought I’d check out another class after work at the gym. I opted on a class called “rock bottom”. How inappropriately labelled in my opinion. It really should be called “take this class and you won’t be able to walk/sit/drive/bend over for a week”. It was evident that after the full hour of lunges, squats, burpees and balance ball I was going to have an issue. This weekend was spent in slow motion for me so I wasn’t too sure how running would be. I took Saturday off from any workout but spent a lot of time stretching.

This morning I was still pretty sore when waking up but quickly got over it as a good friend was in town and I went to visit her and Moe and have some much needed girl time. It was so great to catch up and learn about all the new adventures in my friend’s life. The day was still young so I figured it was also a good time to continue my shopping adventures for a few needed items.

I finished off my Sunday with my run. While changing into my gym clothes was painful, I was happy to learn that running was not. My training today called for an 80 minute session. Finding my pace and keeping form was surprisingly easy today and overall it was a good run. I kept my pace consistent with one increase in speed as I knew if I pushed in the beginning I would likely struggle through the end. While the gym was quiet, there were some other runners nearby and having someone on the treadmill for a similar amount of time always feels encouraging. Today was a new personal record day for distance, time and calories burned and I left the gym feeling really satisfied and with my silly grin.

This week is going to be a busy one. My work is volunteering at a local foodbank on Tuesday and Wednesday I head out for a business trip. Friday is girls night and on Saturday it’s time to celebrate Chrissy and Wade’s new house.

It feels to good to know that no matter where I go or what I do, I am stronger and more confident each and every day.

Today’s distance: 16.14
Today’s time: 1:22.41

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Its beginning to look a lot like...

Okay, I may be a little bit over the edge here but…Christmas is coming! With Halloween out of the way, it is time to start the festivities. While the majority of the people reading this are likely rolling their eyes at my childlike enthusiasm, I revel in all things Christmas.

It was eloquently expressed earlier this week by a dear friend that the recent weather has stripped all the beautiful coloured leaves from the trees and now, autumn is just plain ugly. With no use for ugly seasons, I am looking forward to everything associated with the holiday season. Think about it…what other time of the year can you buy eggnog flavoured everything? Surely by now the pumpkin spiced lattes are getting boring and a new flavour is needed? There are so many simple yet beautiful matters regarding Christmas. I love snow covered everything, smells of Christmas baking, the music, brandy on Christmas morning (that’s my mom’s tradition), the decorations, the glorious food, but most of all, the time spent with family and friends.

Flipping the calendar today and listening to the weather man talk about snow really got me thinking about all the fantastic times ahead. And while I had all intentions to run outside, the drizzle and snow forecast sent me running somewhere warmer...the gym. My run today didn’t start as solid as I had hoped, it took a bit longer to find my rhythm but once I got into it, it was smooth sailing. I am still fighting off some sort of sick feeling, but after my hour go I felt as good as new. Exactly what the doctor ordered.

With such cruggy weather, it felt good to bring in some cheer to the office today by firing up some good old Christmas tunes. Sure it’s still far away, but having something so fantastic to look forward to and getting little glimpses of it every day is what keeps us all going after all.

Today’s distance: 12.17km
Today’s time: 1:01.34


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Chocolate understands

Happy Halloween! I’m hoping you aren’t in a sugar induced coma and know that it took great effort to limit the amount of candy I consumed today. It was my day of rest and having sugar intensified energy on top of my usual self would be a bit much. (even I can admit this)

Yesterday was a really great workout day for me. My gym is renovating and updating the equipment and the spin room was recently redone. I used to go to about 3 spin classes a week and loved it but haven’t been in months. So, as my cross training day I decided it would be a great opportunity to go back to spin and bring something fresh to my workout regime. It felt really great to cycle again and my legs were worked in a totally different way. In the hour class I covered just shy of 20 miles and kept my rpm between 85 and 115, which was the instructor’s goal for the class. I finished with some ab work and sit-ups and left the gym feeling…well pretty exhausted to be honest. So today I embraced my time off and am looking forward to a good night’s sleep.

Over the next couple of days and into the weekend, I’ll try some other classes at the gym alongside my running. This, combined with some good down time at home should help ward off any cold and flu bugs creeping around. I started to feel a little off today but got right on the vitamin c and herbal tea wagon to fight it. With upcoming travel, nothing is worse than getting sick or being sick and on the move. No significant plans for this weekend just yet, and I am totally okay with it but a few surprises and spontaneity will add some fun.

Well, I’m at the bottom of my tea and running low on energy so it’s a good time to turn in. Or maybe go have just one more little chocolate bar before bed…


Monday, October 29, 2012

Dance in the rain

Another week, another shot at new opportunities, another chance for improvement, but apparently not an option to run outside. The rain, 64km an hour wind, and near zero temps would turn me into a frizzy popsicle within minutes. Right when I was totally convinced I could make headway in the great outdoors, I am forced to run in the confines of the box of a treadmill. Who am I kidding, I love treadmills! Plus, with all the pandemonium of the storm of the century, fitness clearly wasn’t on people’s minds and I had all tvs to tune into my house hunting, housewife and singing shows at the gym.

While my schedule today indicated my run time, it didn’t advise on what type of run I should have. So, I decided to ramp up my speed today and push myself. With a day off yesterday (which included eating a cupcake and candy. Yep, I felt guilty…for like 2 seconds…) I felt refreshed and ready to go. From the get-go it was easy to pick up the pace and get my breathing on cue. I surprised myself too that I was able to maintain a faster pace and pick it up again for 2 kms towards the tail end of my run. To say it felt great was an understatement. I hit new personal best times - fastest km at 4:27 and fastest 5k at 23:34. Every movement was fluid, every step felt stronger and every blip of my watch made my smile grow bigger. Sure, I’m still a long way away from where I need to be, but I’m a heck of a lot closer than I was in all my days before.

The storm will certainly slow down so much this week but the next couple of days will be filled with so much exciting activity for me. Work is keeping me on my toes with new accounts coming on board and travel the next few weeks. My training schedule is going to get more intense and I’m going to be starting classes to compliment the cardio. I’m looking forward to all of it and will embrace every bit as a chance to better myself on all levels.

Come hell or high water and everything that life will throw at me, I have decided that there will be no dust on the pages of the story of my life.

Today’s distance: 13 km
Today’s time: 1:03.00

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Chin up day

Today my mood matched the weather. Kind of grey and sad. It was a tough day on a number of fronts but I did my best to keep smiling and be happy.

Earlier this week my mom asked me if I could help her pick out a monument for my father’s grave. It has been a number of years since his passing but has been a task proven to be difficult to do. How do you find a giant slab of stone which conveys to onlookers the type of person who rests there? How do you select a stone knowing that it too will one day be yours? It was tough on my mom as this was the one final step in closure. How appropriate for it to rain hard all day long, like tears from heaven. We managed to pick out the perfect stone with little touches that will tell a beautiful story for future generations and shows the love my parents had for each other.

After this, combined with dearest and nearest friends moving away, nothing felt better than escaping into a run. My body is so sore from a 90 minute weight session yesterday but I really felt like I needed the distraction. It took little effort to ease into a comfortable pace and immediately nothing mattered. No looking at time, no increasing speed, no worries at all. My legs felt great, my breathing was bang on and just short of an hour I knew that I got what I needed. After, I spent a good 30 minutes on weights and took my time stretching before heading home.

I just finished a chapter from my book on the mental benefits of running. While non-runners may roll their eyes at a lot of what is said, I firmly believe running is an outlet to help me manage a lot of the challenges life throws at me. There are occasions healing can take a long time, and running is reminder of how strong and powerful I am, and that I can overcome it.

While everyday can’t be the super awesome major big smiling days I’d like, it’s comforting to know there are moments in every day where I’m filled with sunshine.
Today's distance: 11.08
Today's time: 58:22.28

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Being Better

I love how unpredictable our weather is. Dressing in the morning is a lottery, you just never know if you will win. Driving home from work today I noticed my car was telling me it was 25 degrees out. While I don’t think it was quite as warm as it claimed, the flocks of geese still kicking around could convince you otherwise.

What a perfect day to run outside and take advantage of this fall treat. I chose a route with sidewalks (safety first) but one that borders part of the city limit and showcases spectacular sunsets over acres of fields. My mind was racing all day and nothing felt better than to dedicate this piece of time to me. I am convinced that if the majority of the population started running, we would have more world issues resolved. It was tough to not keep looking to see my times on my watch, I was out to just run and ease back into greater distances and eventually faster speeds. Not looking for any injury or trouble.

This weekend is already shaping up to be a very busy one and will fly by quickly. Between moving friends and attending baby showers, I’m going to make sure I find my “me” time. My time to think, dream, reflect, plan and go at my own pace. A few weeks back I was so anxious to find someone to head out with me regularly. The more I have this time however; I am convinced it is a solitary sport. Well at least for me.

Maybe I couldn’t keep up with another runner anyways. I’m okay with it. Right now this is exactly what I need to be stronger and better every day.
Today's distance: 8.04km
Today's time: 51:22.13

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

You're my achilles heel

What a cold, gross, wet day. I feel like I can’t get warm with all the furnace mishaps happening around me lately. I looked forward to getting to the gym and having a solid weight session to warm me up.

It was busier than usual today at the gym but the only equipment that was hard to get were the treadmills and ellipticals, so I wasn’t affected. No aches or pains today from yesterday’s run and I’m glad I listened to some good advice (will continue to do so). The better portion of my workout was focused on legs – leg presses, curls, lifts, kicks, squats squats and more squats. For upper body I challenged myself by throwing in some push ups – kind of a big deal because I can’t remember when I last did did them. Holding my planks is finally becoming easier and my times are getting longer and my core is improving, which will really help out the training. Overall, it was a really great workout but one which will likely leave me a little bit delicate tomorrow.

So, I’m a major big fan of surprises, I’m not gonna lie. Today I received one in the form of a copy of T-Swift’s new cd! Such a thoughtful and unexpected gesture by a co-worker which made me act in a way that the rest of the office laughed at my craziness. She also knows how technologically inclined I am and that yes, I still use cds. I was so happy to blare T all the way to the gym and then home again. And now in my office. With the weather being so grim and me being so darn cold lately, this sweet act definitely warmed my heart.

I feel inspired now to surprise someone or do a random act of kindness. Even something silly like a pack of gum that nobody else but me would appreciate or an early morning text telling someone to have a beautiful day. Maybe drop off a care package full of someone’s favourite things to cheer them up. Just something to make someone feel as good as I did in one simple moment today.

“This is the golden age of something good and right and real…” T. Swift

Monday, October 22, 2012


To start off the week right, I decided to go for a light, easy jog and see how my knee would feel. If there was any discomfort at all I would just stop and not push. Well, I am happy to report that it was a success. No pains or surprises and it felt good to be running again.

This weekend I really got into my new books and feel empowered with a new wealth of knowledge. There is such great information on form and technique and I kept correcting myself today and was pleased with the difference it made. Also, I’ve always thought that I was supposed to breathe in through my nose and exhale through my mouth. Apparently this method of breathing doesn’t deliver enough oxygen to your body and can make you tired. Good to know and I will continue to work on ensuring my mouth isn’t hanging wide open in bug trap mode.

It’s amazing how little changes can make all the difference. I wish I had started asking questions sooner to start focussing on the right things, and not the things that don’t matter.

(This is a short one… T-Swift’s new album is on replay and I’m trying to sing along)

Today’s distance: 5.27km
Today’s time: 34:28

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Like a fallen leaf

So, I have learned a valuable lesson. I knew there was a risk of injury if I pushed myself. Well, I pushed myself and now I have an injury. A few nights back I hurt my knee while running and took a day off. I figured it was a combo of things – start-up of outdoor running again vs too much treadmill time, low support shoes and too many kms over what my schedule said. On Friday I was feeling fine (okay the slightest bit sore) and decided to give it another go, but this time with full support shoes. It was perfect running condition outside and I looked forward to getting back on track running outside. It was better than the previous attempt but just after 4kms my knee was crying out. At just shy of 5kms I hit stop on nike+ and limped back to my car. Pretty lame.

I will be the first to admit that I am stubborn and am always testing limits. In a lot of scenarios this is advantageous, but in physical training it is not. When advice is given to me I will start listening better and will work on sticking to my plans to further prevent injuries. I invested in some really great books, one specifically for women runners and one on half and full marathon training. While I haven’t delved too deep into them yet, I am noticing a trend in 3 day running training schedules. This is sufficient if there are two days of strength training or cross training to keep the cardio up. I know also that I do still have plenty of time to fully prepare so maybe I should take some pressure off myself.

Yesterday I had a really solid weight session. It felt so good to challenge my muscles and really do an all-round body workout. A good portion was spent incorporating planks and squats – two of my least favourite moves but definitely the best ones to do. My upper body was assailed and lifting my hands above my head is proving to be trying. But I still feel great and am keeping up good spirits. Yes, I longingly looked over at the glorious rows of treadmills and wished I was on one, but I will let my body heal and save it for some much more picturesque alfresco jaunts.

Today was a beautiful day and instead of hitting the gym, I took on copious amounts of yard work. With our acreage, there is no end to the amount of raking in the fall. It was such a great feeling to be outside soaking in the sun and in the familiar comfort of the property I grew up on. I must admit, even as an adult, the forest in all its fall splendour is still as magical as it was as a little girl. Today may not garner the same results as a gym session, but it was exactly the kind of workout I needed for my soul.

Instead of sulking over an injury, I’m going to take this opportunity to challenge myself in new ways and be stronger for my running. Tomorrow and the days after are only going to keep getting better and better…
(P.s. T-Swift's new album is out tomorrow - EEEKKKK!!!!)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Peanut butter

Yesterday after work I decided it would be great to finally run outside. While I knew my time wouldn’t be as great as my treadmill runs, I didn’t totally expect the results I got.

The sun was shining, the temperature was ideal and the route chosen was beautiful. I would run beside a river on a gravel trail and only had a distance of 8km to go. Should be easy for me, right? Wrong. I also figured it would be good to try and keep up with an experienced looking runner. You know, the kind who has every running gadget strapped on, has read every article on how to improve technique and time and likely runs half marathons on weekends. Well that was stupid idea. Although I have been consistent with my runs, it was clear to me I need to add more outdoor routes. I have plainly forgotten this marathon will be run outside and not in the comfort of my gym on a treadmill. And to top of disappointing results, I managed to bugger up my left knee.

Thankfully today is my day of rest, and I will utilize the opportunity to learn more about how I can become a better runner. I think if the experienced runner who I tried to follow yesterday could give me some advice; it would be to do more research on tips to having a successful run. And they would surely tell me “What the heck is wrong with you – get your butt outside and run in the beautiful weather. Your marathon won’t be run in the little box of a treadmill.” I will happily take this advice and once I am ready, I will set out again and try and keep up with gadget super speed tighty pants runner.

 I think this is maybe a point where someone in my shoes would get discouraged. My nike+ will tell me I am slow and yell at me to pick it up, but I am simply going to look at this as an opportunity to improve.
Besides, my run tonight was still better than anyone who was sitting on a couch.
Today's distance:             8.04km
Today's time:                    51:36.14

Beautiful, scenic run :)

If nike+ could talk...
Gotta stay positive!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Smile in the rain

Why do people working out look so miserable? Today at the gym I really noticed how many people looked very unhappy to be there. Instead of catching up on some shows, I listened to my ipod and I had the opportunity to notice my surroundings a bit more. Take the girl who had her treadmill at a ridiculous incline and she was clambering away and did not look impressed whatsoever. I think she was actually angry. Or how about the lady who came in, sat at two machines did a quick set and walked out with her head hanging low. HELLO – exercise releases endorphins which make you happy! Since you already made the effort to get to the gym, why not make the best of it? But then again I guess maybe everyone looks at me running away, sweaty as can be with a major grin on my face and wonders what my deal is.

Today marks my fifth week running and I am over the moon with my progress to date. I have been able to maintain a schedule, maintain a healthy diet, and have been motivated and happy throughout. Maybe having a goal and seeing improvement makes me happy to work out, but I figure you have to put your heart in all that you do in order to be successful. My nike+ told me today that I have run a total of 157kms, best 1km time of 4:42 and fastest 5km at 23:55. Not bad at all, and a good improvement since my first day and week. Seeing these numbers really pump me up to keep going and make me so ecstatic to know that I can do it.

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.

Today’s time: 52:21.74
Today’s distance: 10.21km

Monday, October 15, 2012

For the love of chocolate

Today I was pretty happy that it was my day of rest. I’ve had some solid runs the past couple of days and combined with a few late nights, I was ready to take it easy tonight.
Anyone who knows me can attest that I love to cook, bake and eat. Tonight I did just that. It all started with a craving for soup. Once I got the ingredients into the pot, I decided it was also an ideal time to bake. Stubborn me couldn’t settle for just one recipe, I had to make two. Within twenty minutes I was scrambling to find more counter space because all surfaces were taken. It’s close to ten o’clock now and I just finished putting away ingredients and finished product. And does it ever smell good in here. I think the weather outside and my tiredness made me crave comfort foods, plus with the increase in caloric burn I know it is important to keep up my food intake (so happy about an excuse to eat more!)

I think a lot of my fitness success really starting happening when I paid more attention to what I was eating. Knowing what to eat, when to eat and how much was one of the key components to success. Athletes look at food as a way to fuel their body like gasoline to a machine. Getting into that mind frame does take work, but it’s not as hard as people think. Sure I get poked fun at when I get up to eat every couple of hours but what I am eating and the amounts make for a healthier me than eating 3 big meals a day. Yes, I spend a lot of time making lunches but it helps me not run out and make a food selection I’d regret later.
Finding balance with my eating is just as important as all other aspects. They say all you need is love…but a little chocolate here and there doesn’t hurt.

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.”
Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own


Sunday, October 14, 2012

You just run

So, I didn’t get a chance to update my blog this weekend. Sorry! This weekend was a good mix of downtime, friend time and run time but in the mix of it all, it really became evident to me that I am a runner. I am a runner. Sounds pretty great and feels even better. Running has so many benefits beyond physical fitness for me. So many people ask me why or how and I wanted to share some of my love of running…

  • Running clears your head. No matter what the problem is, it doesn’t matter when you run.
  • Me time. I owe this to me. Everyone does. No excuses.
  • Stress relief. Big time.
  • Visualization and dream time. I dream all the time and nothing makes me feel more able to achieving my dreams then when I’m running.
  • Feeling of power. Learning what my body can do.
  • Runner’s high. Do it and find out what all the hype is.
  • Shoes. Yep, sneakers are stylish and sexy too you know.
  • The cravings for more. Every km makes me want to do another.
  • Goals and rewards. Set your goals. Reach your goals. Reward yourself.
  • Discovering a beautiful road, trail, pathway and feeling like you are the first to discover it.
  • Being inspired and inspiring others.

Friday I kicked off the start of my weekend with a new distance record for me, 13.10 km in 1:01.13. I felt so elated leaving the gym. I spent a quiet night in as Saturday was a fun filled day with my Chrissy. It won’t be long until she moves so I am going to relish every last ounce of friend time with her.

Saturday morning I had my mini routine of coffee and pajama time and set out for an hour massage at 9am. A super nice and unexpected surprise as a thank you from Chrissy from her wedding this summer. It has been a good 5 years since such royal treatment and it definitely won’t be that long until my next one! Divine is an understatement and my body is so thankful. We had an afternoon doing our thing – shopping, eating, lazing and went out for drinks later in the night. I stuck to my schedule and got in a quick run and a good weight session and was glad I did. 5.12km in 25:11.25 and a combo upper body and leg day.

Last night was a late night, ending around 2:00am so I gave myself a good 8 hours of sleep before taking on the world. Being dd has its advantages for sure – the people watching is the greatest entertainment and there is no recovery period needed. Had an amazing run today, the kind where it really felt like I could just keep going. And I likely would have but some wise advice came to mind to keep me from overdoing it. I went farther than scheduled but today I just wanted to run. And run I did – 15.05 km in 1:17.47, my farthest yet. Also the most calories I’ve burned at 990 and I must say that I was looking forward to a nice dinner out for my mom’s birthday. Imagine if you will, my excitement at the discovery of an ice cream bar at the restaurant (I LOVE ice cream)!!!

This week will be a good week. And even though I may not know if I am running to or from, I will just run.


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Gingerbread Man

Here we are, one more day until the weekend. Today was a day of rest and one which I looked forward to. As happy as I am with running and my progress, I equally love days to take it easy. It gave me a chance to run errands and catch up with some friends.

Today I also thought I would take the opportunity to update my playlist. I’m constantly sending myself emails with songs to download so after filtering through them I have compiled a rather stimulating playlist. So, since you are here already and I have nothing to report from the training side, please enjoy a sampler of N’s running mix (I even titled it gingerbread man on my ipod…yep, I’m a dork)
Why you ask?
Titanium Feat. Sia
David Guetta                                         
Good beat, lyrics are inspiring!
Don’t Stop The Party
Black Eyed Peas
Super upbeat, makes me want to do a run/dance combo.
Billie Jean
Michael Jackson
No explanation.
Are You Gonna Be My Girl
I think this song makes me move faster…and do air guitar.
Gangnam Style
Just because. Love it.
Pitbull Ft. Michael Montano
I envision running somewhere tropical to this song.
Everybody Talks
Neon Trees
Fun song and breaks up all the dance tracks.
You Can Do It
Ice Cube
The song says it all.
Jesse Cook
Why not! Amazing guitarist.
Moves Like Jaggar
Maroon 5
Moves like Jaggar but runs like puma.
Purple Haze (remix) 
Benny Benassi vs. Hendrix
Listen to it and you too will love it – plus at 5:03 long I know I’ve done a km.
If you know me, you will likely assume my cool down music consists mainly of my girl, Taylor Swift. Well that is correct but there are a few other tunes in there that I love to calm down to after a workout…

Romeo Santos ft. Usher
I hear this song and think of the beach and drinks with umbrellas in it.
Just a Ride
Good easy listening tune. I love her voice.
Bob Marley
Because every playlist needs at least one Marley Song!
Here For a Good Time                    
George Strait
So true. And I love country music.

Although my playlist is eclectic, it is a collection of songs that help me keep going and ones that make me smile every time they come on. I love how a song can change a mood, help set ambiance, trigger a memory and inspire.