Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Kiss the maritimes...

Out of office notice:
Hello, I am currently on vacation, returning on...well...I don't really want to leave Atlantic Canada to be honest....
Ps. The photos below are taken by moi. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Up up and away...

Hello Tuesday. Hello über early alarm clock. Hello hitting the snooze button 17 times. Nobody should have to get up so early. So much for my pre-office workout. 

After work today I dragged my tired butt to the gym. While I'm sure running outside would be a nice change, the soaring temperatures that heated up my car to be hot enough to burn my arse suggested I would likely overheat. This week is crammed with appointments and visits so morning workouts make sense. Plus, I'm sure I could have a reasonable energy level to have some decent times. Today was not a day I ran for time records...I just got in there, got it done and left. And while there may have been some sighing, I'm happy I went. I even felt inspired enough to come home and pickup reading some good running reference books. 

I'm sitting now in my cool basement with a bowl of Yonanas. (Google it. Life changing.) A little up after a little down.

P.s. for the record, I did use all my gym gear I packed for my Florida conference. And then my luggage was lost BUT I promptly ran within of minutes of retrieving it on Sunday. No kitten.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Right meow.

Well, I took some advice and ran my cold away. Finally. Over two weeks of tissues, NyQuil, sprays, prescriptions, allergy pills and a clogged head, I am over it. And it feels good. Good to be active, release stress, find time to be me.

When asked today if it was hard to get back into it, I couldn't lie. It was hard this week. There has been a huge way too big gap between workouts. And I am fricka licka sore. But, feeling sore today is way better than feeling sorry.

Quiet weekend ahead before a solid week of travel and conferences. Planning on yet again packing my gym gear, and actually using it.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


It's been a long time. A long time since a post, a long time since a run, a long time since I've felt like me. 

So today I ran. I ran from people, I ran from bills, from chores, from feelings, responsibilities, from the red blinking light on my phone, from my stupid head cold, from everything. And guess what. I feel great. Why the heck do I go through phases of on again, off again. This is too important to me, my health, my sanity and my happiness. 

Today I ran for my dad, who would have been 70 today. I ran as a reminder that life is too short, too precious and fragile to stay idle. A reminder to take time and better care of myself. A reminder that he raised a strong girl.