Sunday, November 11, 2012

Day in, day out

Okay...I admit this post is a little overdue. While I wish I could report a vacation to somewhere super special, I just managed to get caught up in life. Tonight has been the first opportunity to sit down with not much to do and I quite like it. Plus, I bought myself a wonderful and beautiful iPad and I'm finding it difficult to pry out of my little hands. Yes, congrats to me to who has finally made the step into modern day technology!

This past week I've had some work travel, but took along my gear to make sure I could get in a run. My knee bothered me after my Sunday run but was fine by Wednesday. However, I wasn't going to push my luck and I opted on an easy 30 min go, covering 6.27 Kms without any problems and no pain for the balance of the week.

Did I mention how much I looked forward to Friday? Chrissy and Wade finally got the keys to their new house and it was time to celebrate. Now, it has been some time since I've enjoyed a few bevys and this week I was introduced to a very tasty red vino. I couldn't wait to share this discovery with my Chrissy and sure enough, we thoroughly enjoyed it in super classy red solo cups in her gorgeous new house. Needless to say, moving on Saturday was a little slower than usual. Shortly after arriving home yesterday, I tried out my home treadmill for the first time and did a quick 5km to stretch my legs after the drive...and to keep myself busy while the iPad was charging.

Today was such a beautiful day. It felt like early spring rather than a few weeks before Christmas. It was productive as a number of home projects were tackled and I had a personal best record on my run. It felt really great to get a lot of distance covered after such short runs this week. My times were slower to make sure I could sustain enough energy for the whole run but it didn't bother me in the slightest. My target today was a 90 minute run and I pushed through and went another 4 minutes so I could hit the 18 km mark. Surprisingly, I was ready to keep going and thought about that half marathon mark. As great as it would have been to achieve that accomplishment, I remembered some wise advise and didn't risk pushing myself to the point of an injury.

It is going to be another busy week. Tomorrow is my day of rest and after work I have an appointment to see a sports therapist about my knee issues. I initially signed up for an acupuncture, shockwave therapy and chiropractic treatment combo but thinking about being poked with needles, shocked and cracked is making me second guess having everything done at once. It will be good to learn about prevention and treatment of any running related injuries. One thing for sure is I'll have to pick up a new pair of shoes due to the mileage on my kicks and hopefully I can test them out in beautiful Chicago when I head there for work in a few days.

Being so close to a pivotal point is reassuring that I can do this. I'm not crazy. And when I want to push myself, I'll have to remember that Rome wasn't built in a day.

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