Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Just do it.

I can't lie. I did not want to workout today. At all. Nope not one bit. And yet, here I am, with a sweaty ponytail stub feeling so happy that I actually went. No more excuses, right?

It's been two days since my last run. Saturday provided another glorious atmosphere to head outside. I eyeballed what I thought would be a decent, safe route and away I went. A whopping 6 km by my watch certainly looked to be a much greater distance by car. However, the good news was that I didn't get run over.

Despite my complete and total lack of enthusiasm to run today (I really wanted to go out as I had a pretty sweet outfit) I got into a good groove off the bat and had a solid 8 km run. And you know what, it was easier than I anticipated.

So, lesson learned and I applied the Nike slogan "just do it" today. Tomorrow is another day with greater odds to head to the gym with a smile. And the balance of my days? Well, I'll just have to create them them the way I see fit.