Monday, October 15, 2012

For the love of chocolate

Today I was pretty happy that it was my day of rest. I’ve had some solid runs the past couple of days and combined with a few late nights, I was ready to take it easy tonight.
Anyone who knows me can attest that I love to cook, bake and eat. Tonight I did just that. It all started with a craving for soup. Once I got the ingredients into the pot, I decided it was also an ideal time to bake. Stubborn me couldn’t settle for just one recipe, I had to make two. Within twenty minutes I was scrambling to find more counter space because all surfaces were taken. It’s close to ten o’clock now and I just finished putting away ingredients and finished product. And does it ever smell good in here. I think the weather outside and my tiredness made me crave comfort foods, plus with the increase in caloric burn I know it is important to keep up my food intake (so happy about an excuse to eat more!)

I think a lot of my fitness success really starting happening when I paid more attention to what I was eating. Knowing what to eat, when to eat and how much was one of the key components to success. Athletes look at food as a way to fuel their body like gasoline to a machine. Getting into that mind frame does take work, but it’s not as hard as people think. Sure I get poked fun at when I get up to eat every couple of hours but what I am eating and the amounts make for a healthier me than eating 3 big meals a day. Yes, I spend a lot of time making lunches but it helps me not run out and make a food selection I’d regret later.
Finding balance with my eating is just as important as all other aspects. They say all you need is love…but a little chocolate here and there doesn’t hurt.

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.”
Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own


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