Sunday, October 21, 2012

Like a fallen leaf

So, I have learned a valuable lesson. I knew there was a risk of injury if I pushed myself. Well, I pushed myself and now I have an injury. A few nights back I hurt my knee while running and took a day off. I figured it was a combo of things – start-up of outdoor running again vs too much treadmill time, low support shoes and too many kms over what my schedule said. On Friday I was feeling fine (okay the slightest bit sore) and decided to give it another go, but this time with full support shoes. It was perfect running condition outside and I looked forward to getting back on track running outside. It was better than the previous attempt but just after 4kms my knee was crying out. At just shy of 5kms I hit stop on nike+ and limped back to my car. Pretty lame.

I will be the first to admit that I am stubborn and am always testing limits. In a lot of scenarios this is advantageous, but in physical training it is not. When advice is given to me I will start listening better and will work on sticking to my plans to further prevent injuries. I invested in some really great books, one specifically for women runners and one on half and full marathon training. While I haven’t delved too deep into them yet, I am noticing a trend in 3 day running training schedules. This is sufficient if there are two days of strength training or cross training to keep the cardio up. I know also that I do still have plenty of time to fully prepare so maybe I should take some pressure off myself.

Yesterday I had a really solid weight session. It felt so good to challenge my muscles and really do an all-round body workout. A good portion was spent incorporating planks and squats – two of my least favourite moves but definitely the best ones to do. My upper body was assailed and lifting my hands above my head is proving to be trying. But I still feel great and am keeping up good spirits. Yes, I longingly looked over at the glorious rows of treadmills and wished I was on one, but I will let my body heal and save it for some much more picturesque alfresco jaunts.

Today was a beautiful day and instead of hitting the gym, I took on copious amounts of yard work. With our acreage, there is no end to the amount of raking in the fall. It was such a great feeling to be outside soaking in the sun and in the familiar comfort of the property I grew up on. I must admit, even as an adult, the forest in all its fall splendour is still as magical as it was as a little girl. Today may not garner the same results as a gym session, but it was exactly the kind of workout I needed for my soul.

Instead of sulking over an injury, I’m going to take this opportunity to challenge myself in new ways and be stronger for my running. Tomorrow and the days after are only going to keep getting better and better…
(P.s. T-Swift's new album is out tomorrow - EEEKKKK!!!!)

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