Sunday, September 30, 2012

Bright as the sun

Here we are again, end of the weekend and also end of the month. I can’t believe tomorrow is the beginning of October. We haven’t even gotten through Halloween and stores are already littered with Christmas ornaments!

Today was a pretty relaxed day and a nice way to end the weekend. I treated myself to some new workout digs and couldn’t wait to head out in them tonight. And believe it or not…I found an awesome lululemon construction worker orange jacket with reflective stripes that not only looked great, also made my mother thrilled that I was now visible on google earth view. I picked up a few other lulu pieces as a reward for my progress to date and to keep me motivated. How the heck could I not want to wear them running?!?!

I headed into the city for my run around 5:30 and had the pleasure of running into the sunset and a crisp fall breeze. The city was full of people outside enjoying the year’s last nature smiles. There were people on bikes, kids in wagons, lots of joggers and the most curious sight of all – the homeless man who jumped out and yelled at me. First, I was puzzled that there was a homeless person in the area I was running. Second, I couldn’t figure out how I startled him with the extreme glare generated by my jacket courtesy of the setting sun. And third, I sure was glad to see clothes under his trench coat. Anyways, I smiled but very quickly picked up my pace. The balance of the run was enjoyable but it was the first time I felt some tension in my legs. I think it was due to the weight session yesterday…what can I say we give it our all.
It was exciting to plug in nike+ when I got home. Today I managed to beat my best 1k and 5k time and have also run the farthest distance to date. It provided a great summary of the month, well since September 19 when I got the watch, and I am proud and looking forward to next month. So far this experience has been incredibly rewarding and reminds me that I am tougher than I think, stronger than I was yesterday, and have the determination of a champ.  
And while it is great to think of weight and inches lost, I’m going to stay focused on everything I’ve gained.
Today's distance: 11.11 kms
Today's time: 1:12:20
Super bright

New fav - pineapple, strawberry and
vanilla yogurt


Saturday, September 29, 2012

My nothingness

Well, another week has come and gone and I have been looking forward to this weekend for over a month now. While typically people look forward to a big event or happening, I was simply looking forward to nothing. Yes, nothing. A weekend without a big to do, one where I could sleep in and take on things as they came. One where I could go for a run on Friday, make popcorn and make my list of everything I wasn’t going to do on Saturday and Sunday.

My Friday night plans changed when I got a call in the afternoon asking if I could do flower arrangements for my girlfriend’s business as she just had a baby. Without hesitating I agreed, but quickly realized that the fate of the wedding flowers was in my hands. Luckily, the arrangements weren’t complicated and the time spent surrounded by such beautiful flowers was almost therapeutic. They were my favourite, gerbera daisies, and working with them melted any worries or stress I had and it felt great to know these flowers were part of a plan so many months in the making. It was shortly after 9pm when I got home and I just needed to eat and get to sleep so unfortunately I have nothing to report in regards to my training for Friday.

However, I am very happy to report that my Saturday morning was spent in my favourite manner – sleep in, multiple cups of coffee and lounging in my pajamas. This was the first time in about 8 weeks that I could enjoy this simple pleasure and I relished every moment. And here I was thinking my morning couldn’t get any better when I got a surprise text – it was Chrissy and she wanted to go to the gym! Heck ya! I tamed my wild hair and headed off to the gym to meet her. While I wasn’t able to convince her to go running, we did weights and had our girly catch up and I had a short run afterwards. I wish it was longer but I don’t think I ate a big enough breakfast to sustain a longer distance run. The weather was all over the place and when I was running it hit about 22 degrees. It was okay to bask in but I definitely prefer the cooler temps for running. The balance of my afternoon was hanging out at home and doing all the wonderful domestic chores which have been put on hold amidst my recent schedule madness.

Tonight was a celebration of one of my long time friend’s 30th birthday. The crowd there was the same as when we were back in high school and the local Tim Horton’s was the ultimate hangout destination. It was good to see old friends and catch up on their lives. It’s crazy to see how quickly time flies and how much can change, and how much can stay the same.

Sometimes plans don’t work out the way you wanted, sometimes they are better. Sure some little things disrupted my weekend of nothing-ness, but if this is what is in store then I can’t wait to see what tomorrow holds for me.

Today’s distance: 6.02 km

Today’s time: 40:29

Thursday, September 27, 2012

N's tips n' trends

So, today’s blog will be a little different than the normal. In addition to my usual update, I also want to write a little bit about outfitting oneself for running. Dressing for success doesn’t only apply when it comes to career you know. Over time I have learnt what has worked for me and wanted to pass on some tidbits for anyone who may feel inspired to take up running or for those who stare at runners and scratch their heads at their outfits.

I was pumped to head into the outskirts of town and run a massive block but found my ipod to be dead right as I was leaving for work. It charged all night so of panic set in – it clearly is broken and now I will have to take the massive ipod touch. For me, running with an ipod touch is about the equivalent of carrying a massively heavy shopping bag in one hand and nothing in the other to counter balance the weight. Okay so maybe I over exaggerate a bit, but I can’t help that I love how a tiny nano fits perfect into the little pocket so kindly provided in all lululemon pants. Hands free to flap by my sides without the fear of chucking electronics at oncoming cars. Anyways, it turns out the battery was dead so after a quick charge I was on my way into my small town. I figured out a way to get my kms in by maximizing all the small town sidewalks. It did involve me passing some houses and people twice…maybe even three times but they eventually waved or stopped their car dead in the street to say hello. It felt so great to work toward a larger distance and my energy level was good and I found today to be an easy run. Well, all but the big hill I did twice and avoided the third time around.

The seasons are changing and so is running attire. Gone are the short shorts and tank tops, here come the long pants, sweaters, gloves and earmuffs. It is always a good idea to invest in some moisture wicking materials no matter what time of year you run. There are lots of brands on the market that have long sleeves and are lightly lined with fleece to keep you warm against the autumn air but not to the point of heat exhaustion. Long pants are a must as by October your summer tan is no longer apparent and nobody needs to see your snow white legs. It is also a good idea to protect your ears but allow your head to adequately vent. Earmuffs are a great solution and although they sound extremely dorky, I assure you sports stores carry some very sleek styles and gone are the days of powder puffs on your head. There are some great gloves made for runners in mind as well which will keep your digits intact. Be sure too also carry a warm sweater or jacket for post run to keep yourself from turning your sweat into sweatsicles.

Now let’s talk safety. Safety is key no matter what you are doing and even more important when running. It is suggested to run on sidewalks whenever possible but when it isn’t, try to illuminate yourself to the point when drivers have to put on their shades. A good colour to produce this effect is “highway construction orange”. It can be tricky to find such a striking colour so I recommend keeping a good old fashioned reflective vest on hand. You know, the kind the sidewalk cross people wear. For the ladies who may jog alone or not feel safe, I would suggest introducing you to my neighbour who can help outfit you with pocket sized mace. (no joke, he called my mother) Be sure to tell someone where you are running as well just in case.

Luckily, my runs after work have provided satisfactory temperatures and I haven’t had to pull out all the cold weather gear just yet. I feel for those who are up at 5am and brave the near zero temperatures. It is only a matter of time until I will have to bundle up but until then, please see my fav picks for fashionable and safe fall running!
Today's Distance: 10.51km
Today's Time: 1:11.55
This is for 5am runners. You know you want it.
Also comes in handy when you need to walk
barefoot around a campsite.
Don't forget your jogging buddy when
temperatures dip!


Saw this guy tonight.
As effective as a blinking light!

Day or night, she's so bright!

Protection made pretty?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Major big smiling...

Okay, something is going on in the universe today. Yes I’m sure you are likely thinking I am crazy right now (or maybe every day?) but seriously, there is something going on. The kind of feeling when everything is aligned, balanced and just overall fantastic. I felt really today great after a nice, long run yesterday and my day at work breezed by. There was an abundance of support from my colleagues about my progress to date and feel so blessed to work with such incredible people. I was excited to get home and head outdoors, but once I was ready to go it was evident today would be an easy, walking kind of day.

There are so many beautiful conservation areas close to me and this year I’ve had the pleasure of discovering some for the first time. This is kind of sad considering I have missed out for so many years. The sun was setting over the small lake when I got there and all of me just couldn’t stop smiling. On the way home from work I got a call from a friend who heard a song and it made her think of me. I sent a message to a girlfriend who excitedly told me I could read her mind, and that she was in labour. She had a beautiful baby girl at 7:27 tonight and I can hardly wait to meet her. An old friend reached out of the blue today, which was so unexpected but wholly welcome. My awesome cousin sent me a note - a touching saying which reminded her of me. But best of all I got to have a great conversation with a really good friend and had nothing but positives and laughs to share. Highlight of my week. It was the kind of day when everything just felt textbook and the connections were flawless.
It’s late now and while I can’t wait to turn in, I also can’t wait to share my appreciation, gratefulness and love.  I hope this post makes you smile and know how truly special you to me.


Today’s time: Who’s counting?

Today’s distance: More miles than I can count…

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Shake it up!

Well, today was a great day at work and it went by super quick. In prep for today’s run, I downloaded a new playlist last night (and yes, Gangnam Style is on it…) to keep things fresh and I even included some songs I typically wouldn’t think of running to. Normally I like dance and house music cranked up loud but am finding some other styles which are pretty sweet to run to!
As soon as I got out of my car and headed down the street, I noticed the huge rain clouds looming above. While every part of me suggested to head on over to the gym and run inside, I managed to convince myself that it was still warm enough outside if it did start raining. (16 degrees is still okay, right?) I’m glad I stuck to staying outside because the run today was fluent. My body is feeling stronger, my breathing is right on and today I beat my fastest km time. Also, I have been paying more attention to my eating and ensuring I have enough carbs for fuel.
So, while I managed to escape the rain today, it is evident that I will need a plan of action for the winter months when conditions are less than ideal. Luckily, I just found out tonight that a treadmill is en route and will take up residence in my house this weekend J
Today’s Distance: 8.56km
Today’s Time: 1:00.35
Post-run shake deliciousness. Seriously!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday Monday...

Monday, you came too quickly. I could have sworn weekends were longer. Today was a good day at work but I struggled with my energy level from all the excitement and activity over the weekend. A good sleep in on a lazy weekend morning with multiple cups of coffee in my pajamas is my ultimate leisure interest that I unfortunately didn’t get to partake in this weekend.

After wondering how the heck I was going to get through a run today I just decided to do it. No focus on time, just an easy 5km. It was pretty windy out so the resistance was greater but the cool air felt good and made breathing easy. I have also found that by hitting a decent sized hill at the beginning of my run, the warm up is faster and makes the rest of the run feel like a piece of cake!
This week I’m going to look into some classes for the winter months that will compliment my training. Something fun, exciting and maybe every unexpected. Something that will ramp up my running to the point of running circles around turtles. Indoor soccer would also be awesome but I have yet to find a league that offers it for my (very young I may add) age group. Besides, with Chrissy moving shortly I need to work fast and find a replacement and this would be an ideal way to meet someone new! (just kidding, it’s not possible to replace her but I will need to call someone daily and ask them to workout with me…)

Week two is off to a good start and I’m excited to see my progress and to continue introducing new facets into my life. For people with an open heart and open mind are the happiest.
...even it means dropping everything and becoming a ninja!
Today’s distance: 5.03km
Today’s time: 36:50

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Everybody's working for the weekend

This weekend came and went very quickly. It was an invaluable learning experience as I attended a work tradeshow in an industry that I am still learning, and quite frankly, fascinates me to no end. The natural food and health industry is a wild mix of lotions and potions made from every plant around the globe, and there are supplement powders and pills to cure every type of ailment you could ever possibly encounter in your life. There are breakfast cereals to increase your libido, foods to increase your workout endurance and water derived from the depth of the Canadian Shield that is as black as motor oil. While I had the pleasure of educating folks of my products, I soaked in as much as I could in the two days.

Saturday morning was a busy day with an early start and a late finish. While all intentions were there to get in a run or workout, it wasn’t possible given the hours of my work schedule. I know I know…no excuses right? Well I’m happy to say that when the show was over today, I packed up quickly, said goodbye to my new industry friends and hit the road. I was so pumped to get changed quickly and grab my gear and get running, but learnt that nike+ had no battery power. While I waited for it to charge up, I watched the sun set lower and lower. Clearly this was not a good sign and meant I couldn’t hit the country roads. Thankfully, my very small town has some surveys that are lit so I took full advantage of those lovely neighbourhoods. It felt so great to take in the cold air and is the first time and months I could see my breath with every exhale. The kms were easy, even considering the multiple inclines I faced.
I had a great conversation at the show with a female fitness pro and learnt more about some challenges and stereotypes faced. She is 4 weeks away from competing for a big title and I can only imagine the stress and challenges she is facing to be in the best shape possible. When I asked her more about her goals, she mentioned that she would love to one day run a marathon. It really made me smile to know that even at a professional level, it is still a great feat and one that takes time to achieve.

And while I may never compete for any sort of bodybuilding competition, it’s good to know my new knowledge, new friends and new spirulina natural supplement  will keep me on the right track.
Me and Simone the fitness pro!


Today’s distance: 7.56kms

Todays’s time: 55:16

Friday, September 21, 2012


Thank goodness its fall. Don’t get me wrong, I love summer, but there is something about the autumn season that I am so partial to. Personally, there is no worse feeling then trying to have a solid run in temperatures that make me sweat from doing nothing at all. You know, the kind of heat that turns leather car seats into frying pans. I’ve been watching the slow changes in the amount of daylight we have and the temperatures dipping down, and tomorrow I will embrace the fall season (and all the wardrobe options) with open arms.

This week had been a good, gradual build for me and my running. It has been a long time since I’ve run consecutively and I must say, this feeling is kick ass. Actually, this whole week has been a really great buildup for a number of successes – we are making serious progress at work, multiple birthday celebrations for loved ones, a surprise delivery at work and then a really great run to top off the week! It was also really wonderful that my mom joined me tonight. Maybe she didn’t want to listen about my rambling about all things exercise and health related!? We took a quick drive to a quiet side road and while I took off running, she had a nice walk to work off the week’s worries. The road that we were on is surrounded by conservation and a number of farms. It’s crazy how easy it is to forget how much beauty is so close by. The sights and smells were so refreshing, the air had just the right amount of chill, my playlist was rocking and everything just felt so right. These simple things made my heart smile and I am going to continue to work on finding the simple pleasures and beauty in everything that surrounds me.
There are moments that make you realize how great life is, and it feels so great to know that step by step, I’m increasing my time here to enjoy them.

Today’s distance: 6.4kms
Today’s time: 45:49
Ready to run with my power rangers watch!


Thursday, September 20, 2012

DOR (Day of Rest)

Today is my day of rest. As great as it would have been to head outdoors after work and focus on running, it was just as important to focus on friend time today. Finding balance on many levels in life is so important and unfortunately, lately my share of friend time has been very limited. When Chrissy told me she had tonight free, I jumped at the opportunity for a hang out.

To say Chrissy is one of the coolest, sweetest, and greatest friends anyone could ever have would be the understatement of the century. She is a perfect mix of astonishing fun and reasonable grownup-ness. She is always the first person to celebrate a success in life and the first person to be at your door when you need it. Our friendship grew really strong when we realized we really were too lazy to make any other friends in our city and besides that, very few people would want to play our Saturday morning game of “Let’s pretend we are in University”. I definitely gained more respect for her when she patiently waited for me to join the gym and then put up with me when I called her every day after to go.
I think a really large part of my inspiration to be healthier and stronger came from her and she has taught me so many lessons to living better and for that, I am truly thankful. Tonight she took me to a really great little restaurant I have been dying to go to and we spent the night talking about future plans and how to move forward in the new year. We had great conversations over a tasty meal and enjoyed some live jazz.  Although she will be moving away this fall (and here is the part where it takes all my might to hold back my tears…) I know our friendship will continue to flourish and that she will always be there to support my crazy adventures.

Saw this aquarium behind the bar...
not as big as the one in Atlanta...


Live jazz band :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Inspire. Transpire. Perspire.

Although today is only day three of training and this new journey, I’m feeling really great. Actually, I’m feeling better than I have in a long time. There is something that happens when working out that makes me feel calmer, balanced and powerful. At times I joke that in the event of a zombie apocalypse, it is good to know that I will have enough stamina to outrun them…at least for a little bit. And while  running advice always tells you to keep your head up and eyes on the road ahead,  I love to deviate every now and then and see my legs moving quickly beneath me and feel the power behind each step. 

Getting to this feeling didn’t happen overnight and for some people it will usually take a series of events to feel inspired to get moving. So many people around me have inspired me in many aspects of my life lately - do something kind for a complete stranger, try something I’ve always wanted to do, even run a marathon.  Seeing transformation around me makes me want to move forward and better myself in so many ways. I try to encourage my family to do the same and remind them it doesn’t all have to happen in one day but to start making little changes and to look for inspiration daily.
Today was an incredible day to run outside. The temperatures made it very comfortable and I picked a time when the sun was setting and the light made the fall colours glow. Within my first km my legs became really tense and immediately my mind told me to stop. Of course it is a natural reaction when things get difficult, but instead I chose to suck it up. Clearly this is going to be hard and there will be days when my body screams at me to go home and sit on the couch. While it would have been simple to head home, I decided to slow down my pace and go for an easy but still very satisfying jog.

Nike says it best – just do it.  And on tonight’s run it sure was good to have motivating messages pop up on my new watch to reassure me I can keep going. The next challenge to figure out all the other features!
Ready to run outdoors!
Today’s distance: 5.23km
Today’s time: 38:29

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Well here I am on day two. I woke up this morning feeling refreshed and with more energy than yesterday morning. This is a major improvement as yesterday morning I struggled to open my eyes and get moving.  Anyone who knows me will attest that I am not by any stretch of the imagination, a morning person. On questionnaires that ask what my favourite pastime is, I write “sleeping”. There is great satisfaction hitting the snooze button until having to jump out of bed like a ninja when I realize I have overslept.
Day two already presented a challenge and an excuse to not hit the road running – plans after work. While I could have easily decided that the plans take precedence over my training program, I’m determined to not allow roadblocks and extracurricular activities stop me! Of course I could try and run in the morning but clearly, that is not going to happen. Well not yet. So I kept my dinner plans and my gym date, and have demonstrated that it is possible to fit in everything I want to into a day. Mind you, half my dinner was packed and put aside right away (as to not overeat) and I drank water instead of my usual pint. I also ran an hour after eating instead of my preferred two hours. But I did it.

To further convince myself that I can maintain the training, on my way home from the gym I invested in a little gadget to help me keep track of my progress. I’m all for performance enhancing devices and it is with great excitement I will put on my new Nike+ Sportwatch GPS (which so conveniently matches my workout gear) and head outside for my run tomorrow. There is no doubt it will be tougher than the flat line treadmill, and I won’t be able to tune into some sappy soap opera on TV, but instead I will be outdoors breathing in the first of the fall air and admiring the changing colours.

Who knew the autumn season could represent new life…

Today’s time: 36:18
Today’s distance: 3.62 miles/5.79 kms

Monday, September 17, 2012

The beginning...

A very wise friend once told me that high potential people don't allow themselves to get comfortable. This advice came after a series of changes in my life where I began to second guess some decisions even though I knew what I wanted and what was good for me. Hard work has never scared me and I typically embrace all challenges as opportunities and recently I have been inspired to set a new goal to break out of my comfort zone and pursue one item from my bucket list.

Today is the start day of my marathon training. Why might I want to run a marathon you ask? Well, for starters I need a goal to keep me active, healthy and quite frankly nothing feels as spectacular as a runner's high. Second, my mother's brother has begun running marathons and next year when he visits Canada he will participate in a Toronto full marathon. How cool would it be to run alongside with him? Thirdly, I just want to do it to prove to myself that I can. (a lot of people look at me like I'm nuts when I tell them my plans...myself included)

Last year I surprised everyone around me (and myself) by reaching a weight loss goal of 50lbs. No secret diet pill, no fad diets, no gimmicky machines - just a ton of hard work and dietary discipline. Gone were the days of frozen convenience foods, aspartame filled pop, takeout meals and hardest of all - beer. If it was processed or didn't go moldy, I simply didn't eat it. Slowly my gym days quieted down and my shopping cart contents shifted and I noticed how my closet seemed to have started shrinking my clothes again. My social life has now started to quiet down after a summer of weddings, showers, parties and out of town visitors which is why I selected today my start day. I think I needed a buildup, a big red circle on the calendar to remind me of the hard work to come. And I'm ready.

Today my training started and results were not as ideal as I had hoped, but I reminded myself it is a better activity than sitting and watching TLC with Alexander (Keith that is). I sincerely doubt that anyone will ever read or follow this blog and I don't even care. I am doing it for me and next year when I can look back at my progress and my feelings I know it will all be worth it.

Today's Distance: 3.02 miles
Today's time: 32:14

All I have to say is my feet are gonna hurt from all the ass I'm kicking...