Sunday, November 18, 2012

Hold on

Well, I managed to let another week get by without blogging. This past week has been non-stop and only now on Sunday evening am I finally getting a chance to wind down.

This past Monday, I met with a sports therapist/chiropractor/acupuncturist. I was really thankful for my appointment as I woke up several times throughout the night in a lot of pain. My knee was swollen and bothering me and I couldn’t wait to finally see someone who could help me out. Sure I got a lot of mileage in the previous day but I have built up to this…right? Turns out it is iliotibial band friction syndrome, and is thankfully treatable and that a large percentage of women runner’s struggle with it too. I spent a solid hour reviewing everything and had an adjustment done as my alignment was off and therefore causing even more strain to my knee. While I did feel immediate relief, I couldn’t help but think that this may be a longer process to complete recovery than initially anticipated.

I had the pleasure of visiting Chicago for work this week and I must say, even from the little bits I saw, I love that city. The architecture, activities and liveliness, cleanliness and proximity to the water really appealed to me. In terms of business, it was a great visit and hopefully next time I can extend my stay and get to see and do a lot more. The highlight would have definitely been the trip to the aquarium…yes, maybe a bit juvenile but anyone who knows me knows my affection to all things water. I had also packed my gear to get a run in…and while I really had the intention of running, deep dish pizza and beer won.

Yesterday was a day of catch up around the house and finally time to get a run in! It was so incredibly beautiful outside, and while I really should have ventured outside, I must admit that I wasn’t too confident to do so. With my knee being that way it has been, I was worried that I would get out there and it would crash on me. It was also time to get a new pair of kicks as the mileage on my shoes was really up there. I stopped by the Running Room and talked shoes for a good length of time before finally picking out a pair (also recommended by the sports therapist). I was so jacked to get going and man did it feel great. I felt so energized and was thinking that a good 5 days off may have been exactly what I needed. Stubborn me picked up the pace after 3k, and at 4.96k my knee gave out. Complete and total crash and burn. It hurt in a way that it hasn’t before. And not only my knee, but also my back. I hit the stop button and tried to get a stretch to help alleviate any of the pain but it wasn’t happening. I was partially relieved I wasn’t stuck somewhere on the side of the road, but at the same time I wish I was so I could sulk without anyone noticing.

It was not very comfortable sleeping last night and this morning it was evident I wasn’t going to be lacing up for another run. It is very hard to not feel discouraged and want to give up. I’m actually surprised that I even thought to myself “I am not meant to do this –my body isn’t a runner’s body”. Sure it would be easy to give up, to just stop and not put myself through this but unfortunately, it’s not in my blood. Tomorrow I go back to the specialist and we will work on a plan for treatment and prevention. With this in place, I hope to feel better and gain more confidence in myself that this is attainable and start feeling all the crazy zest and highs I did earlier.

Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

Chicago :)


Wonderful discovery...

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