Saturday, August 3, 2013

Listen hard

Happy to report that I have worked out the past 3 days. No skipping, no lame excuses, just a valid attempt to get back at it. And I am sore. Fricking absolutely sore. Serves me right for some intense weight sessions along with running after all this time. But, better to be sore than sorry.

This long weekend will be a short one for me. I have a 7 am flight to Vegas on the holiday Monday for 10 days. Some work, some play, and lots of taking in the scenery and experience. Tomorrow will be crammed - early am run, brunch and some fam jam time. 

Tomorrow is also 4 years since my dad passed. Can't believe it, still feels like yesterday. He was always my biggest fan and I know if he was here he would encourage and guide me to follow my heart and dreams. He always understood me, listened to me, and made me laugh when I wanted to cry. He was so genuine, sincere and showed me how to be strong. He smiled with his eyes, just like I do.

I'd give anything to talk to you right now. Miss you and love you. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

A day without...

August. August is like the Sunday of summer. Can't believe there at 30 days left until school buses clog up the morning commute and open toed footwear becomes borderline inappropriate.

Today I had a short, but solid run. It felt great to get moving after a day in the office and I complimented my 5k with a good upper body weight session. My vacation afforded me a chance to skim through my reference books and I'm going to start following a plan again to keep me on track and help prevent injuries.

I'm realizing some things just occupy a big part of mind, and I need to do something about it...