Monday, October 1, 2012

Thanks for just being you...

Today was my day off running but it was too beautiful outside to give up the opportunity to head outdoors. I woke up a little sore so I knew it would be great to get out and stretch my legs after work. It was so restorative to take in all the sights, smells and feelings of autumn and get in some sunlight while I can.

 I had a great conversation with a good friend today and my cheeks still hurt from laughing and smiling so much. It was one of those conversations where I felt so lucky to share so much and listen equally. (okay okay so I maybe talked too much but thats just me!) So many people around me have accomplished so many great achievements lately and have also blessed me with so much encouragement. To my friends embarking on a new journey - I wish you all the best and much success always and know that I am so proud of you. You will always hold a spot in my heart and know I am only a call away.
Tonight’s post is short but I wanted to leave you with some words to live by...

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