Monday, September 17, 2012

The beginning...

A very wise friend once told me that high potential people don't allow themselves to get comfortable. This advice came after a series of changes in my life where I began to second guess some decisions even though I knew what I wanted and what was good for me. Hard work has never scared me and I typically embrace all challenges as opportunities and recently I have been inspired to set a new goal to break out of my comfort zone and pursue one item from my bucket list.

Today is the start day of my marathon training. Why might I want to run a marathon you ask? Well, for starters I need a goal to keep me active, healthy and quite frankly nothing feels as spectacular as a runner's high. Second, my mother's brother has begun running marathons and next year when he visits Canada he will participate in a Toronto full marathon. How cool would it be to run alongside with him? Thirdly, I just want to do it to prove to myself that I can. (a lot of people look at me like I'm nuts when I tell them my plans...myself included)

Last year I surprised everyone around me (and myself) by reaching a weight loss goal of 50lbs. No secret diet pill, no fad diets, no gimmicky machines - just a ton of hard work and dietary discipline. Gone were the days of frozen convenience foods, aspartame filled pop, takeout meals and hardest of all - beer. If it was processed or didn't go moldy, I simply didn't eat it. Slowly my gym days quieted down and my shopping cart contents shifted and I noticed how my closet seemed to have started shrinking my clothes again. My social life has now started to quiet down after a summer of weddings, showers, parties and out of town visitors which is why I selected today my start day. I think I needed a buildup, a big red circle on the calendar to remind me of the hard work to come. And I'm ready.

Today my training started and results were not as ideal as I had hoped, but I reminded myself it is a better activity than sitting and watching TLC with Alexander (Keith that is). I sincerely doubt that anyone will ever read or follow this blog and I don't even care. I am doing it for me and next year when I can look back at my progress and my feelings I know it will all be worth it.

Today's Distance: 3.02 miles
Today's time: 32:14

All I have to say is my feet are gonna hurt from all the ass I'm kicking...


  1. Hey sister....I am so proud of you and after you reached your goal of last year, I have no doubt that you will achieve this one. The longest journey starts with the smallest step; however, you've hit the ground running already!! :)


  2. Hi Nina... I am so proud of you and I know you will do it. This is especially interesting because I believed for a long time that you were the person who would mostly swimm down the river; what a surprise it was when you joined the gym and brought your body in shape. Just remember to listen to your body at all times (I am thinking about your steel pin in your leg that was a result of your broken bone during the soccer game).
    You certainly have shown determination over past year.. way to go.
    This is great.. you are going to be running in same marathon as my 60 year old brother - I will be there to cheer you on.
    Your proud momma

  3. Proud of you Nina!! xoxoxox
