Thursday, September 27, 2012

N's tips n' trends

So, today’s blog will be a little different than the normal. In addition to my usual update, I also want to write a little bit about outfitting oneself for running. Dressing for success doesn’t only apply when it comes to career you know. Over time I have learnt what has worked for me and wanted to pass on some tidbits for anyone who may feel inspired to take up running or for those who stare at runners and scratch their heads at their outfits.

I was pumped to head into the outskirts of town and run a massive block but found my ipod to be dead right as I was leaving for work. It charged all night so of panic set in – it clearly is broken and now I will have to take the massive ipod touch. For me, running with an ipod touch is about the equivalent of carrying a massively heavy shopping bag in one hand and nothing in the other to counter balance the weight. Okay so maybe I over exaggerate a bit, but I can’t help that I love how a tiny nano fits perfect into the little pocket so kindly provided in all lululemon pants. Hands free to flap by my sides without the fear of chucking electronics at oncoming cars. Anyways, it turns out the battery was dead so after a quick charge I was on my way into my small town. I figured out a way to get my kms in by maximizing all the small town sidewalks. It did involve me passing some houses and people twice…maybe even three times but they eventually waved or stopped their car dead in the street to say hello. It felt so great to work toward a larger distance and my energy level was good and I found today to be an easy run. Well, all but the big hill I did twice and avoided the third time around.

The seasons are changing and so is running attire. Gone are the short shorts and tank tops, here come the long pants, sweaters, gloves and earmuffs. It is always a good idea to invest in some moisture wicking materials no matter what time of year you run. There are lots of brands on the market that have long sleeves and are lightly lined with fleece to keep you warm against the autumn air but not to the point of heat exhaustion. Long pants are a must as by October your summer tan is no longer apparent and nobody needs to see your snow white legs. It is also a good idea to protect your ears but allow your head to adequately vent. Earmuffs are a great solution and although they sound extremely dorky, I assure you sports stores carry some very sleek styles and gone are the days of powder puffs on your head. There are some great gloves made for runners in mind as well which will keep your digits intact. Be sure too also carry a warm sweater or jacket for post run to keep yourself from turning your sweat into sweatsicles.

Now let’s talk safety. Safety is key no matter what you are doing and even more important when running. It is suggested to run on sidewalks whenever possible but when it isn’t, try to illuminate yourself to the point when drivers have to put on their shades. A good colour to produce this effect is “highway construction orange”. It can be tricky to find such a striking colour so I recommend keeping a good old fashioned reflective vest on hand. You know, the kind the sidewalk cross people wear. For the ladies who may jog alone or not feel safe, I would suggest introducing you to my neighbour who can help outfit you with pocket sized mace. (no joke, he called my mother) Be sure to tell someone where you are running as well just in case.

Luckily, my runs after work have provided satisfactory temperatures and I haven’t had to pull out all the cold weather gear just yet. I feel for those who are up at 5am and brave the near zero temperatures. It is only a matter of time until I will have to bundle up but until then, please see my fav picks for fashionable and safe fall running!
Today's Distance: 10.51km
Today's Time: 1:11.55
This is for 5am runners. You know you want it.
Also comes in handy when you need to walk
barefoot around a campsite.
Don't forget your jogging buddy when
temperatures dip!


Saw this guy tonight.
As effective as a blinking light!

Day or night, she's so bright!

Protection made pretty?

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