Tuesday, September 17, 2013

All over again

Fall is almost here. This morning stepping outside I noticed I could see my breath and my lawn was covered with sparkly crystals. Great news. I adore fall. The sweaters, the colours, the holidays and anticipation of Christmas.

I finally felt like I was back into an old workout groove. I had some great workouts last week including a solid day of chasing around my 8 month old nephew. This weekend I spent a good deal of time at the gym and unfortunately managed to ignore a back injury which only resulted in some knee problems. It's the same knee I hurt last time and I'm sure it is due to a misaligned spine. Couple that with a daily dose of wearing heels (oh fashion is pain sometimes!) and here I am, a bit swollen and plenty sore. Thursday evening I'm set up with a chiropractor appointment and should be good to go. 

Minor setback. But tomorrow is a new day to try again.

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